Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did? people have nappy that justified...lots of hispanics(which i am) also big deal. and the wrod ho is so widespread, its lost its origional meaning. in my opinion, the whole world is making such a big deal out of nothing....get over it

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

Hey, you left out white people! I'm offended, lol. I have some nappy *** hair every morning!

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

not the whole world, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are making the big deal, and the world which has learned to listen when they make the wind blow is simply sailing with that wind.

I only saw a snippette of his comments, but didn't he just compare them to the "nappy headed Hoes" or did he actually say they were. 'Like' and 'Are' make a world of difference in statements of that nature

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

Because america hates white "men" and i mean men just men, if it was a women they wouldnt of made a big deal about it

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

Maybe you are correct but sorry I think anyone who posits these type of vindictive comments is simply doing it to offend. No one needs to use inflammatory language to get their point across. Imus frequently uses derogatory statements to pull in ratings from poorly educated individuals who have nothing better to do than stir up racial hatred. Is that really someone you want to defend?

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

So you're here making a big deal about everybody making a big deal out of it? LOL

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

Please be aware that my answer is only meant to prove a point.

Wouldn't you feel differently if the team was entirely hispanic woman and Imus referred to them as ******* chihuahuas?

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

I don't call the ladies in my life things like that. You might and that says something about you. Ask yourself this. Would Don Imus call his wife a whore as a joke on national radio? No I don't think so. Why? Cause he respects her.

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

Unfortunately, his employer didn't agree with you, so they fired him.

What is the big deal with imus calling the rutgers what he did?

I may not listen to Imus, but even I realize there was a lot more to those comments than just about hair, or people would not be so angry. There is a tendency to minimize such talk because hot button issues make many people uncomfortable. But Imus' diatribes are a great jumping off point to talk about such issues because his words showed how ugly comments on Race and Sex are combined to insinuate other hot button issues. If you see the full broadcast, Imus cracks a joke about tattoos, muscles, and Mannish traits he claimed to see on the Rutgers team, this is hate speech at it's lowest, %26amp; most insidious form because he is hinting at Transgenderism %26amp; Lesbianism (often conflated by bigots), as if those traits were a big deal, and that you could tell all that just from a person's looks. Listen up, Don, being pale and frail doesn't make YOU a vampire, cut out the stereotypes, please!. Because of uptight elements in our culture, Imus has been allowed to use character assasination against women %26amp; minorities as a way to get yucks for 40 years! It's about time some of us said, "Yuck"! Just because Imus was in rehab during the start of every major social change movement going doesn't give him the right to slur or call into question the sexuality %26amp; humanity of everybody that he doesn't understand. He should take all that money and buy himself a clue. It's high time that we each told all of the shock jocks, "Get some class, JACKA55"!

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