Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I hate being a black woman. I hate my nappy hair that I have to pay $200 to get braided or done. I hate it that all the guys always look at and only want the light skinned girls while I get ignored. This hurts when it is other dark men ignoring me. One guy told me he would never have kids with a dark women because he didn't want dark kids. I feel ugly because of my flat nose and other features that are black. I have low self esteem because I was teased as a child constantly and called horrible names like poop skin, darky, monkey, etc.

Why does it have to be so hard? I wish I could have long straight hair and lighter skin just so that maybe once someone would notice me and actually be interested in dating me. I also have to deal with the rest of society that expects me to 'act' black even though I don't like the way that other blacks act. I just want to be accepted for who I am, but it isn't happening.

Am I alone or is there someone else that understand?

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I know how you feel. When I was younger I was insulted all the time because of my features. Such treatment really affected by self esteem and I became very reclusive. As I grew older I opened up and was able to date and now I'm married. I really don't think you're alone in this matter. A lot of black girls have to put up with this crap but you can use this to become a stronger person. You should just be yourself. Surround yourself with people who accept you for you and learn to love who you are. You don't have to let people's insults penetrate, you can choose to believe you're beautiful and highly valuable. In God's eyes you are highly valuable so don't let any man or woman tell you different.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Racist Faker. Report It

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

You need to get off that sh-it, yall people just be making up stories like its yall job r something lol

You are NOT a Black woman ! lol

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

You're Alone, and you aren't black.

Above is a clone :)

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

lmfao...IS this for real? sorry for laughing but i think this is ALL FAKE...FAKER!!!!!!!!!

but if your being serious then you only have ONE LIFE to live so stop your nonsense %26amp; accept yourself cause you might be able to get surgery to change all the negative things BUT remember inside your still black...embrace yourself...

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?


I know this was written by a RACIST... The reason I know is because I have NEVER seen a black women talk like this, even in the privacy of her own home. And to me, if a black person was sooo devastated by the way they looked they would NOT have an avatar look like what they hate. :0/

To this make believe person - cheer up, chocolate cup ;0)

Black is Beautiful and Strong:

In the words of James Brown: I'm Black and I'm Proud. :0)

So no, it's not horrible being a black women. And it never will be. Black women have always been beautiful. Too bad some people are only now seeing that :0)

I wouldn't change my color for the world! As always, my uniqueness is what has made me beautiful.

We really need to stop the racism on here and just start seeking the best in one another. This is a very ignorant and childish problem in America, derived from fear, self-loathing and insecurity.

It needs to stop.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Lets say this is a real question or statement, the real answer is BE BLACK AND BE PROUD. You have nothing to prove to anyone else. You are who you are, nothing is changing that, and why would you want to be something your not. Good luck, love yourself,

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I understand where you coming from but I'm a light skin black woman and I don't have straight hair at all but I want to be Ethiopian because they have pretty dark skin with straight hair.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Contrary to what many of the other responders are saying, I think this is a sincere question. Tyreni, lots of young people have self esteem issues, regardless of their race or other attributes. Hang in there. It gets easier as you get older. You are not alone.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I think its just you. Regardless of what race you really are, you still need help.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Black women are some of the most beautiful creatures on the Earth. What about the white women's flaws? Ever looked at them? We have quite a few.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

What matters most is your opinion of yourself. If you feel like you are above extreme attractive then no one elses judgements will matter.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Oh sweetheart, you have got to learn to Love yourself. I say this because God made you the way he wanted you( Perfect in his own image) . I am by no means ignoring the fact that you may be in pain but you Have to get past your skin color and flat nose. You need to realize the wonderful things about yourself, everyone has something good about themselves. Being a Black woman is a Wonderful thing on many different levels. Whose stronger than us ? I hate that you don't like Your, as you call it (nappy hair) , you seem full of negativity and this is probably due to your life's experiences , but because you are who God made you , make the best of it , embrace your Dark rich black skin , embrace your kinky hair , life could be a lot worse, you could have been born mute or handicapped, there are people that would trade having functioning body parts for your dark skin. Don't for one minute believe that there is no one out there for you, there's someone for everyone. I hope you know that . Please hold your head high and see the beauty in you, God made you who you are a Beautiful,black woman, Love you first and others will follow.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I am a white male my girl friend is black we are hopelessly in love and plan to don't put your self down i think black females are sexy and i am jellous i wish my hair wasent straight.I can't even tan i am so

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

"Black is beautiful"

It matters much more who you are on the inside. Forget about those guys who are looking only for the pretty girls and don't care who are those girls on the inside. Be proud that you didn't waste your time with them, and they missed such a nice person like you are.

This is stereotyping to think, that light skin people are happier and have less personal problems than any other people.

Be proud of yourself and don't idealize light color

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

The guy who said Black women were the least desireable women in the wolrd-has OBVIOUSLY not been around the world. Black women are definately the most pursued/desired in Europe and Africa, and Australia (desired), there arent that many Blacks in Australia though, thats why they see you as exotic.

Black women are only the least likely to get married and the least desired in AMERICA (I kind of doubt that though)

But, Black women are very beautidul and exotic, please dont feel down, alot of people go through this, you shouldnt be feeling this way. Please go to Europe, bring some friends have fun!

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

im sorry that you dont appreciate the features that god gave you, but whoever said tat being black is bad?

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

If you're really a Black woman, this post is rather pathetic. Self hatred is not attractive on anybody. If you're not a Black woman, this post is still pathetic. You need to find better things to do with your time.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I agree with you for the most part. You need to move to a bigger black community.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

I take personal offense to this, because I think any black person on this earth, including myself, would fall into the pathetic category if we were to ever think that we're anything less than royalty. I mean, history says it all, LOOK where we came from! I dont mean to sound AFROcetric, but sweety black IS beauty.....I mean have you ever taken a look at the caucasian race and noticed how they are willing to cut their lives short with cancer, just to get their skin to look slightly like ours. Have you even looked at that. Or if you ever watched TV, you NEVER see a pale white body builder or model, they're all (even the whites) colored! whether sprayed and oiled or tanned. BLACK is beauty sweet heart! and its about time you've realized this and get the f@ck up off your knees and stand tall and proud for the skin that GOD has BLESSED you with. This here is real, shawty. One.

And let me also add that black women are THE most strongest women that GOD has ever built. Black women put with more sh@t than any woman I've ever met. Their sound as steel and are the only women that I've ever known to STAND by the man's side instead of behind him, while at the same time, will follow a strong black man's lead. And if it'll make you feel better, I've only dated, and made love to black other race comes close. Im sorry.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Self-hatred in blacks has been going on for centuries now and it is still quite prominent in our community.

We aren't smart enough.

We're not rich enough.

We're not pretty enough.

We're not this.

We're not that.

It's been rammed into our heads over and over again, even by other black people.

I think we all need to stop trying to conform to European standards. We need to realize that we're very different from them and that it's a damn good thing that we are. We need to stop trying to be something we're not. We need to stop lightening our skin. We need to stop straightening our hair. We need to stop looking in the mirror and wishing our hair was longer and our skin was lighter.

We need to start loving ourselves.

Note: That's a collective "We". I'm already quite in love with my dark skin, fully lips, and kinky hair.

Now it's your turn.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

You are not black and an official loser.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Agrees very much with Adonis B.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

hahaha nice try. I'm reporting your troll @$$!!!!!

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

if this is a honest question i will say this

u are beutifal no matter what anybody says to u . u just havent found the right person yet and no its not horrible to be a black women

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

You're an obvious troll.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

Yes, from my observation the black woman is the least desirable woman in the world. I've been all over the US and talked, worked and lived with all sorts of people, and one thing I noticed, none of them would go out with a black girl. most black girls have attitudes and are ghetto. A lot of men would have sex with a black girl, especialy the "redbones" but not go out with one. Your best bet is bleach your skin, rihnoplast. The black woman is equal to the asian man in the sexy scale.

Is it horrible to be a Black Woman?

As a male I can see where you are coming from.

I, or my friends, don't %26amp; won't date black girls.

Apart from the looks factor, their overall loud behavior is a deterrent to me.

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