Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

Both my Mom and son have really tight curly hair the kind a comb will never get through Why then was it such a big thing on the radio today???

I always thought it meant tight curly hair for any color???

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

Imus was clearly talking about black women that he also called "hos" and if you didn't know nappy headed was a racial slur against blacks, you're the last one to find out. But actually I suspect you are simply just as big a jerk as Imus.

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?


Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

Are you Irish or Jewish? I've seen nappy hair on such people.

I wish I had mine back, nappy or not.

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

If you don't keep wearing that tinfoil hat you will continue to hear that UFOFAY radio station.

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

Nappy is actually a word that is in the dictionary. It means kinky hair. There's nothing wrong with it. I guess it just depends on how you use it. Too many people make a big deal out of nothing. There's nothing wrong with having nappy hair, or curly hair, or wavy hair, or straight hair or whatever hair you may have. It's just a way to describe a persons hair. You can have nappy hair whether your white, black or whatever.

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

Well, he called them nappy headed hos. I find the hos part the most offensive. These women are good athletes doing what they love well, and this insecure a hole calls them hos for it. The world would be so much better if we ignored ignorant, racist, misogynistic a holes. Especially media whores w/ no talent.

Nappy heads I am white and been called that?

"Nappy" has been used to demoralize the texture of one's hair. Never for one moment think of your hair as nappy or any one else for that matter. This description is only used to disrespect people of any color. By the way the comment by Don Imus didn't make absolutely no sense at all. Straight or Curly disrespect is disrespect. In this day in age we need to be more conscious of the derogatory names we call ourselves and others.

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