I have an afro i dont really no how to take care of it i live in a hot and dry climate (az) SOme one help
How do u tame nappy black hair?
To maintain an afro:
Keep it clean and well trimmed or shaped. Avoid split ends and uneven growth.
Brush through the hair from roots to tip daily after rubbing in a moisturizing product. I recommend Sta-Sof-Fro (By softsheen carson). Part the hair into four sections to ensure thorough brushing. A natural brush will work best. Do not over moisturize. Check for dryness at the roots and ends to determine if you need to moisturize. Once moisture balance is restored, you may only need to use the product a couple of times a week as opposed to everyday. Pick out the afro using your hand to "pack" and pat and shape it into the cut style. Choose a pick that will not tear out the hair. Finish by applying a light misting of oil sheen spray to give hair shine.
Normally, hair should only be washed once a week. Dryness is a problem with washing too frequently. Some of the new fruit extract based shampoos with give strength, but are known to be very drying. Use a good deep conditioner once a month. I recommend the Olive Oil replenishing Pak Deep Penetrating Conditioner by Organic Root Stimulator.
After washing, conditioning and drying, you may lightly apply an oil to the scalp. I recommend any African pride hair oils.
BTW: I resent the word nappy for its slave connotations. (And please don't tell me you ever get caught using the phrase "good hair!" Yeesh!) Black hair, all textures, like black skin, all shades, is BEAUTIFUL. I have dread locks and I still follow the procedures I mentioned with the exception of the picking and oil sheen spray.
How do u tame nappy black hair?
wear a du rag and yell out, HOLLA!
How do u tame nappy black hair?
shave it off and get a wig
How do u tame nappy black hair?
just have someone put braides in it.
How do u tame nappy black hair?
Whether you decide to go with braids, dreads, curls, or relaxer, the name of the game is moisturize. Black hair is naturally dry. Moisturizers help keep it in balance.
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