i hang out with the most popular people in school and there my besties since 2 grade but everyone only noticed one girl and they think she is more popular then me but no one notice me and they call her diva becuase she dresses nice. i dress nice and i been picked for best dress but no one doesnt notice me. can you please give me tips on what to do?? please dont give me awnsers like its doesnt matter how you dress becuase for me it really does matter i love to dress nice and match i do my hair cute and i am a butieful outgoing girl. but can u give me any clues on like how to do to be a diva like any girls to give me any advice?? please please please. i will apreactiate that. and to send me any good hair stlyes i like cute ones but i have nappy hair i alwaysz put it up but it always haves something cute in the front and did i mention that i hate braids. i only like my hair put when it i wet or curly or i will put it up. i love to match my cloths but i have no clue what to do? helllpppppp
How can i turn into a diva at school? any suggestions?
personally, you will alienate a lot of people and less people will end up liking you if you become a "diva" aka cocky and extremely egotistical. wouldnt you rather be known for being a nice selfless person?
How can i turn into a diva at school? any suggestions?
well, you just dont wanna match toooo much.
and diva has a negative connotation to it. so why dont you just be the nice smiling one instead of a bratty diva?
How can i turn into a diva at school? any suggestions?
okay fiorst of all if you were voted best dressed people noticed u./ think. second wouldn't u be like a poser. and third who cares if you're popular as long as you dress nice and have friends what does it matter???
How can i turn into a diva at school? any suggestions?
introduce urself to more people
sure you can dress nice but it realy matters whut ur freindship IQ is
How can i turn into a diva at school? any suggestions?
read a book! you write and spell like a 3rd grader. and when you are out of school nobody will ever care or remember you or how popular you were...is the girl that is a diva smarter than you?
How can i turn into a diva at school? any suggestions?
people may notice the "Divas" but its not because they like them. the diva girls are annoying and people actually make fun of them most of the time. being called a diva is NOT a compliment. Just be nice and be yourself. you don't want people to notice you for being a diva, you want them to notice them because they like you for you.
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